Best to Write Last? Seneca Breaks ChatGPT

Seneca, Moral Epistle 79.6

“There’s a big difference in whether you write on material that has been thoroughly worked through or on something just breaking. New material expands each day and what you know doesn’t stand in the way of new discoveries. But the best opportunity is to write last: the words are waiting for you and they look different when arranged in a new way. You’re not stealing them as if they belong to someone else–they’re in the public domain!”

Multum interest, utrum ad consumptam materiam an ad subactam accedas; crescit in dies et inventuris inventa non obstant. Praeterea condicio optima est ultimi; parata verba invenit, quae aliter instructa novam faciem habent. Nec illis manus inicit tamquam alienis. Sunt enim publica

kermit d frog at a typewriter meme with the words "the secret to writing is stealing the best words"

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