Some Brief Words on How to Live

Cornelius Nepos, Atticus 25.11

“It is difficult to explain everything and not really necessary. But I do want to make this one thing clear, that his generosity was not offered at advantageous moments or with specific calculation. This can be evaluated from the events and times themselves, because he never ministered to those in power but always rushed to help those in need.”

Difficile est omnia persequi et non necessarium. Illud unum intellegi volumus, illius liberalitatem neque temporariam neque callidam fuisse. Id ex ipsis rebus ac temporibus iudicari potest, quod non florentibus se venditavit, sed afflictis semper succurrit

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 6.47

“So one thing is worth much: to keep on living with truth and justice and in good will even among liars and unjust men”

Ἓν ὧδε πολλοῦ ἄξιον, τὸ μετ᾿ ἀληθείας καὶ δικαιοσύνης εὐμενῆ τοῖς ψεύσταις καὶ ἀδίκοις διαβιοῦν.

Image result for medieval hellmouth
Hellmouth from ‘The Hours of Catherine of Cleves (c. 1440)

Better citation from twitter:

6 thoughts on “Some Brief Words on How to Live

  1. MILLE GRATIAS, UT SEMPER!! Here’s an emendation: delete final phrase of 1st passage, i.e. change

    FROM: succurrit; qui quidem Serviliam,

    TO: succurrit.

    Rick 🙂

      1. pardon the double-comment–the 1st one didn’t seem at first to post, so i re-posted, then the 1st one popped up. the WONDERS of the internet!! 🙂 will be sharing this one with my Latin e-list and in my FB group. MULTAS GRATIAS!! 🙂

  2. GRATIAS for these posts, as always! One tweak at the end of the first passage: period after succurrit, & DELETE qui quidem Serviliam, Rick 🙂

  3. In a similar vein, a lovely Lotus thrives even amongst the muck and filth it is surrounded by.
    Magna verba ex hominibus callidi!

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