Digital Viagra, or Rectal Erection Correction

Antonio Beccadelli, The Hermaphrodite 1.22:

“Quinctius, you get an erection for women you don’t like, but cannot get it up for the ladies who please you. One who wishes to get it up should stick some fingers up his own ass. They say that this is how Paris prepared for Helen.”

Image result for greek vase penis

Ad non dilectas, Quincti, tibi mentula tenta est;
Si tibi jucunda est, non potes arrigere.
Qui vult posse, suum digitos intrudat in anum
Sic perhibent Helenae consuevisse Parim.

4 thoughts on “Digital Viagra, or Rectal Erection Correction

    1. Oh you know, I have countless shelves of smut. All couched in the decent obscurity of a learned language, of course.

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