Vaginal Shipwreck: A Filthy Renaissance Poem NSFW

CAVE LECTOR: Some readers may find this poem a bit offensive. I softened the language somewhat in translating into English some of the more controversial language, but it’s still pretty lascivious!

Antonio Beccadelli, Hermaphroditus 2.7

“My learned friend, is there any way to prevent Ursae’s vagina from taking in my balls? Is it at all possible to prevent this leech from sucking me in thigh-deep, or even sucking me in all the way to my stomach? Aurispa, either find some remedy to pull it tighter, or I’ll be shipwrecked in that vagina for sure.”


Ecquis erit, vir gnare, modus ne vulva voracis

Ursae testiculos sorbeat ampla meos?

Ecquis erit, totum femur haec ne suggat hyrudo,

ne prorsus ventrem suggat ad usque meum?

Aut illam stringas quavis, Aurispa, medela,

aut equidem cunno naufragor ipse suo.

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