Crane Tricks and Tortoise Homes

Paradoxographus Vaticanus, 1-2 A few of these are really rough because the Greek does not make sense to me. Any suggestions are welcome

1 “Hegesias the Megarian says that there are cranes and whenever they are about to leave from Thrace, they are all sprinkled by one in a circle [?]. And then, whenever that one cries out, one is selected out as if a command were issued, and, after cleansing, it remains there. When they cross the sea, two stretch out their wings, but one goes beneath takes a break while resting upon them.”

῾Αγησίας ὁ Μεγαρεὺς τὰς γεράνους φησίν, ὅταν ἐκ τῆς Θρᾴκης ἀπαίρειν μέλλωσιν, ὑπὸ μιᾶς περιρραίνεσθαι κύκλῳ πάσας· εἶθ’ ὅταν βοήσῃ ἐκείνη, τὴς μὲν ἐξαίρειν καθαπερεὶ κελευστοῦ παραγγείλαντος, τὴν δ’ ἁγνίσασαν καταμένειν αὐτοῦ. ὅταν δὲ τὸ πέλαγος διαπεραιῶνται, δύο μὲν ἐκτείνειν τὰς πτέρυγας, τὴν δὲ γινομένην ὑπόκοπον ἐπὶ τούτων ἐφίζουσαν ἀναπαύεσθαι.

2 [Krokotta]

 3 “Politês says that damp-mud [pêla-muda] is made from mud in the Black sea. For this reason, he explains, it also has that name.”

Πολίτης τὴν πηλαμύδα ἐν τῷ Πόντῳ ἐκ πηλοῦ γίνεσθαί φησι· διὸ καὶ ταύτης τυχεῖν τῆς προσηγορίας λέγει.

 9“Polykleitos says that there are tortoises in the Ganges whose shell is just short of five measures large. Agatharkhides [claims] that they use these shells as as roofs for huts.”

Πολύκλειτος χελώνας γίνεσθαί φησιν κἂν τῷ Γάγγῃ, ὧν τὸ χελώνιον μεδίμνας χωρεῖν πέντε. ὁ ᾿Αγαθαρχίδης δὲ τοῖς χελωνίοις χρῆσθαι †πλήοις† ὡς ὀροφώμασι τῶν καλυβῶν.

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Getty Museum on the Medieval Bestiary