A Little Calamity, Please!

Bartolomeo Scala, Dialogue of Consolation (§13):

I too, (if I may finally speak about myself), have long made an effort to know myself, and when I say that I was overflowing with such goods and enjoying such felicity, I could not find any cause in myself why I should enjoy fortunes of this sort. I was anxious in the midst of my great fortune, and that well expressed and humane sentiment of Philip of Macedon came into my mind. For, when on one and the sane day it was announced to him that his son Alexander was born, and that his chariots had been victorious in Olympia, and that the Dardanian army had been overcome by his general Parmenio, he was not elated by such happy news because he was a man accustomed to the game of Fortune, but rather he raised his eyes to the sky, and begged for a minor calamity to befall him for such great happiness.

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Ego quoque, ut aliquando tandem ad me veniam, iampridem id dabam operam ut me cognoscerem, cumque tantis affluentem me bonis, tantaque utentem felicitate intellgerem, nullamque in me cur huiusmodi me fortunis dignarer causam reperirem, eram in magna quidem felicitate vehementer anxius, illaque Philippi Macedonis bene humana sententia veniebat in mentem. Cum enim uno eodemque die esset nuntiatum et Alexandrum sibi filium natum esse et se Olympia quadrigis vicisse et Dardanos hostes a Parmenione praefecto suo fuisse superatos, non est, vir fortunae assuetus ludo, tam laetis nuntiis aliquid elatus, sed oculos ad caelum tollens, mediocrem pro tantis bonis calamitatem deprecatus est.

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