A Couple of Renaissance Incels

Giovanni Marrasio, ad Evam pro Sabino suo:
Among Latin women, Eva would be more lovely if her heart were not frozen colder than ice. I see her, freezing, day and night, and she gives off a chill whenever she goes or returns along the road. Sabinus has flames and burning torches greater than Etna’s fires in his heart. Cold woman, why do you not just go ahead and rip his heart out with your hands? Your face is more dear to him than life itself.
File:Fresco depicting a Cupid in a chariot being pulled by two other Cupids, from the cryptoporticus of the House of the Deer in Herculaneum, Empire of colour. From Pompeii to Southern Gaul, Musée Saint-Raymond Toulouse (16093787299).jpg
Esset apud Latias formosior Eva puellas,
Pectora ni glacie frigidiora forent.
Algentem video sese noctuque dieque
Et friget quotiens itque reditque via.
Ignibus Aetnaeis maiores pectore flammas
Ardentesque faces corde Sabinus habet.
Frigida, quid dubitas manibus disrumpere pectus?
Carior est facies, quam sibi vita, tua.

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