Diodorus = Di-Odorous

Nicarchus, Greek Anthology 11.242

“I can never tell whether Diodorus is yawning or farting; from the top or from the bottom, it’s the same smell either way.”

Οὐ δύναμαι γνῶναι, πότερον χαίνει Διόδωρος

     ἢ βδῆσ’· ἓν γὰρ ἔχει πνεῦμα κάτω καὶ ἄνω.


2 thoughts on “Diodorus = Di-Odorous

  1. This is another great poem. My senile memory might be wrong, but isn’t the “confusing ass for mouth” line a bit of a motif in elegiac invective? I am pretty sure Catullus has one like this and suspect Martial does too….

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