Henry Liddell Wants Better Bowels

“Liddell, in one of his letters, expresses a longing for the χαλκεντερία of the grammarian Didymus, untired by the drudgery of his monotonous toil.”

-Henry L. Thompson, Henry George Liddell: A Memoir (New York: Henry Holt and Co.) p. 73

The reference is to the 1st century grammarian Didymus Chalcenterus (= “brazen guts”) who received the latter half of his name as a (somewhat?) honorific epithet because he had written several thousand books.

2 thoughts on “Henry Liddell Wants Better Bowels

  1. It seems that this Didymus was also known as βιβλιολάθας or book forgetter because in the words of Liddell and Scott “he had written so many books (3500!) that he could not remember them Ath 139C”. The exclamation mark seems uncharacteristic of L & S . He obviously saw the funny side of it. Another rare bit of humour in the lexicon.

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